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Group Ideas from Research





GDC TALKS (Designer POV)

Armello uses AI for challenges as you have to go through set of AI to get to the final boss. Once you reach the final boss you have the next challenge which is defeating the boss.  The game features 4 different ways to win the game which is to take the throne.

·       Slay the king’s guard and then the King

·       ‘Kingslayer’ “The assassin to try and take the throne for yourself”.

·       ‘The Prestige Leader’ “Playing the politics of Armello” working with the king to inherit the throne.
·       ‘The Purifier’ “Cleansing the kingdom of the rot and corruption which is taking over”.

·       ‘The Corrupt’  “Embracing the corruption and following the dark path, becoming the new dark lord”.

Armello allows the player to choose their own load out which gives the player some freedom and room to choose for their selves.

·       This consists of choosing what party members you allow to follow you into success.

·       Choosing your own card deck to fit the way you want to play the game.

·       Choosing the items you have within your inventory.
Armello has stories for each player in their multiplayer game so that they can go in their own paths. This is implemented with their quest system.

·       Implementing talent trees and skills that the player can upgrade whilst playing.

·       The talent tree is different for each character which makes the player want to experience every character, and to learn their abilities.

·       This impacts the whole multiplayer game because they could have different traits which the other player would not have.

Active exploring so the player choses where they want their units to move to. This still gives the player more choice as the card system displays the routes you can take to explore the world (board).



Deus Ex presents its challenges by the physical models which consists of guards and obstacles, some of the obstacles are environmental and some of them are built to end the game. For example the environmental obstacles would be things like long jumping and doors which you could not open. This makes the player find a way round the door or long jump or simply breaking it down.

They also make you do puzzle challenges or challenges which may not be solved with a simply kick and punch. In BREACH they confront the player with files which may be locked or doors which could be hacked into, this gives the player a puzzle to think about and it slows them down.

The main storyline for BREACH is that you’re a hacker which places himself into a VR world to find the files of a huge company to expose their secrets. To do this you must pass through the company’s extremely complex AI. The enemies in Deus Ex present themselves as a low poly form which attracts multiple people because when the word hacker is mentioned the audience thinks about the boring aspects.

For the mechanics of BREACH you can do the basics which is run, jump, crouch, sneak, and attack. But the game also implements the hacking feature to make the game seem unique. The art style of this game also adds to its uniqueness.

Challenges in the game also come from the physical models, this means that the game would set you a certain amount of kill/headshot challenge in the shooting range. This was to get the player used to the new mechanics which were implemented into the game. One of these mechanics was hacking the intractable props.

When it comes to constrains in the game you only have 3 movement speed and a certain amount of ammo, although this could change because of the ammo pick up content. You can also only interacts with certain things in the environment.

Paper Prototype Feedback and Powerpoint


When we received feedback about our prototype we noticed that the most arising subject about the game was the lack of content that was featured, this was noticeable for everyone as the only two obstacles in the video were the floating platform and the single AI. Although the players of the prototype saw the lack of  content they still were entertained by the concept of the game, this shows us that were are on the right track to creating a good game.

The other faults that were included in the prototype were the very slow movement of the characters which made the game less enjoyable to play/watch. This was because it  took a long time for the AI and player character to finally interact, this was also bad of the surprising movement of the AI as they were very predictable at long range.


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Feedback Summary The game lacks the basics features such as: Death Screens, Health/ Collectable Counters, Control Tutorials/ Instructions and a Basic Attack mechanic. The other feedback we received was the problems with the existing assets featured in our game, most of the feedback we received was to deal with the AI and the way it reacted to the player’s movement.  The second most common responses was to fix the hit boxes on the jump-able platforms, this caused a problems for the Alpha testers as they didn’t get passed some parts of the game. This prevented us to get further feedback. Another thing which was pulled up in the feedback was the gravity of the player, this apparently felt “Too floaty” which made the level easier to skip and cheat. We received constructive criticism from this point which was to have a “slightly faster jump” and or “heavier gravity” for the player and AI. The single most frustrating thing which the Alpha testers saw was the fact that every