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A) Animated Characters 










Background Visuals
Level 1 ( Forest Level)

Level 2 (Village/ Military Camp)

Level 3 (Town/ Final Level)


Level 1 Soundtrack (Forest)

This sound track was used for the first level of the game as we wanted it to start calm to build its way up, this followed the difficulty as each section of the game becomes harder for the player. We thought that the first level should be relaxed so that the player can play the game whilst concentrating on the controls instead of being overwhelmed with constant epic music.

Level 2 Soundtrack (Village)

As the player progresses more and more into the game the music becomes more intense once you pass the border zone which switches the sound track, as this was the first time we introduced the AI. We wanted the music to be sudden but a we also wanted it to have a step back from the final level music, as then there would be no change in dramatic events and it would feel like the same zone.

Level 3 Soundtrack( Town/ Final Level)

As this is the finale for the game we wanted the music to be the most intense it's ever been, we wanted to take the concentration from the player to make the game seem hard as they were being entertained by epic battle music whilst they were encountered by multiple enemies. At this point in the game the player should know the mechanics quite well if they had watch the tutorial, if not they should still be able to cope with the intensity of the finale battle music. As they have already surpassed the last 2 levels.

This sound effect was going to be player once the player had taken damage from either the world obstacles or AI, although we did not include this in our game we had intentions to add further dialogue which made the player hear the character's emotions. This was instead of a visual emotion even though we did create one when the player finished the game.

Props and Assets

Dynamite (Weapon) (Not Included)

This was going to be included in our final game although we ran short of time, this was going to be highest dealing damage weapon in our game. In our concepts we had the idea to add this close to the end of the game which helped to defeat the boss which we also did not include. This item dealt a splash damage attack which would spread across three lanes.

This would be collected in a chest which was not included.

Dagger (Weapon) (Not Included)

The original idea for this prop was that after the first level the player would open a chest which is situated at the end/ start of every level. The plan for this weapon was that the player would obtain it on level 2 to deal more damage to the more difficult and higher health enemies.

unfortunately this was also not included as we did not see much use for it as the AI's health continued to be the same throughout the entire game, this weapon/ prop would have been a massive advantage to the player which took away the challenge.

Chest (Prop/Dynamic) (not Included)

This prop was supposed to be a reward to the player which granted them abilities to use different weapons in the next level, although we did not include this as giving the player an item to defeat similar health enemies seemed pointless. To interact with this prop you would use interact key 'E'.

Wanted Poster (Collectable) (Not Included)

This prop was supposed to accompany the existing collectable, the honey pot. This was going to change the outcome of the cut scenes and story line, which we also ran out of time before we added them. This was going to have the same interaction key ('E') as the other collectables.

Honey Pot (Health Collectable/ Dynamic Prop) (Included)

This is only of the main ideas we did include in the game which was useful to the player, this granted the player health after they collect all three honey pots across the three scenes. This was collect by pressing the interaction key, after this was collected the player saw the honey pot fly up in sky which exits off screen.

Pendulum (Damage Prop) (Included)

This was one of the environment obstacles which dealt damage to the player, when the player collided with this prop a total of one health was taken off the player's health bar which is situated at the top left of the screen. We did have a lot of problems when implementing this props as it was animated using Maya so the hit boxes kept messing up.


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Feedback Summary The game lacks the basics features such as: Death Screens, Health/ Collectable Counters, Control Tutorials/ Instructions and a Basic Attack mechanic. The other feedback we received was the problems with the existing assets featured in our game, most of the feedback we received was to deal with the AI and the way it reacted to the player’s movement.  The second most common responses was to fix the hit boxes on the jump-able platforms, this caused a problems for the Alpha testers as they didn’t get passed some parts of the game. This prevented us to get further feedback. Another thing which was pulled up in the feedback was the gravity of the player, this apparently felt “Too floaty” which made the level easier to skip and cheat. We received constructive criticism from this point which was to have a “slightly faster jump” and or “heavier gravity” for the player and AI. The single most frustrating thing which the Alpha testers saw was the fact that every