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Feedback Summary

The game lacks the basics features such as: Death Screens, Health/ Collectable Counters, Control Tutorials/ Instructions and a Basic Attack mechanic. The other feedback we received was the problems with the existing assets featured in our game, most of the feedback we received was to deal with the AI and the way it reacted to the player’s movement. 

The second most common responses was to fix the hit boxes on the jump-able platforms, this caused a problems for the Alpha testers as they didn’t get passed some parts of the game. This prevented us to get further feedback.

Another thing which was pulled up in the feedback was the gravity of the player, this apparently felt “Too floaty” which made the level easier to skip and cheat. We received constructive criticism from this point which was to have a “slightly faster jump” and or “heavier gravity” for the player and AI.

The single most frustrating thing which the Alpha testers saw was the fact that every time you wanted to retry the game you would have to open a new instance of the game to continue the enjoyment.

There is also feedback for the art style which is mostly positive except from the filler objects and the fact the levels do not have backgrounds. This also links to the fact that at this point in time we do not feature a main menu which normally sets the player’s expectations for the art style as that’s the first piece of art they see.

To improve these problems we will start with the all the basic components for the game and over time we will have the finalized products, this is to ensure when we have another feedback it will be to a basic game with all the features intact.
